Wednesday, December 1, 2010

                         THE PRESENCE OF GOD

  This is the season of Thanks Giving and many Halelujahs !
  So let's get started ! You can never Praise the "FATHER" or Thank him enough.
  He has showed up in our lives and Blessed us so. When we didn't even recognize he was walking right beside us, he was there.
  Through his Holy Spirit, God has promised to be with us always if we ask him. When we accept him as Lord of our lives, he forgives us and purifies us on the inside so that he can reside in us.
  The key to living in this life - and the next - is the daily experience of the power of the presence of almighty God.
                                                       - Joshua 1:9 -

Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Love Ya To Life, Minister LaDonna J.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


  Respect is recognizing someone else's worth, honoring them for what they have done and who they are. In a very real sense, it is a gift you confer on someone, a gift of valuing them highly. To honor and respect others requires humility on our part, because we are making others look good without trying to makes ourselves look good at the same time.
  Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.
                                                                                          -Philippians 2:3-

This month we will focus on respect for others. Let's begin with the "God's Promise"
Honor your father and mother. Then you wil live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God will give you.

                                                                                         -Exodus 20:12-

  Stand still and watch for what God is about to do in the Earth and this great City of Kansas City.
  Don't forget each day; arm yourself daily, with the "Word of God", "Praise to God" and true "Worship".
  Anointing our youth daily for the desires of God, and a bitterness for Carnal Thinking.
Love Ya To Life, Minister Ladonna J.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Refresh, Renew, Restore"

Ever feel so weighed down ? Filthy ? Sloghish ? How about all of the above ?
In the month of August I was all of that. God sent out a command to Pray & Fast  for thirty days, so myself and two faithful daughters in the Gospel, took on the clarian call of the Father and did just that.
  Out of the obedience and the sacrifice the Prayer Conference was birth. Every night at 9:00 pm. We come to the throne of Grace and give unto the Father our reasonably small offering of Prayer, Praise & Worship.
  In the mist of these nightly payers God has truly refreshed, renewed & restored all through the giving to him of his time.
  God also gave my sisters and I a place to retreat ( shelter in the time of a STORM) from the cares of this world for a moment. We were truly blessed by Mothers, Sisters & Daughters in the body of Christ coming together to serve and fellowship with one another. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.
  If you really want to see the move of God and become prosperous as your soul prospers & have the health that is commanded over your life, get out of Gods' way let him have his way.
  All you have to do is REST.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

His Grace Is Sufficient For Me

  Through the nightly prayers God has shown me that he is all I need. I've felt the sting of the Firery Darts, but satan the Lord My God rebukes you. I am more than a conqueror. God has proven that to me over & over in a thousand ways, That when I put out my shield of faith it will quence the darts that are headed my direction.
  My sisters, daughter of the most high God, march, stomp your feet and begin to march as if your life depended on it, ( it does) and while you are marching stick out your sheild of faith, give the Father a crazy praise, I promise you that you be victorious every time. "No Weapon", forged against you shall prosper.
  The sound of your praise will cause the window of Heaven to Open up and the blessings to over take you,  more than enough overflow shall be in your house.
  Looking for some thing from the father ?, you don't have to, He already knows what you have need of and he promised that he will give you the desire of your heart if you seek him FIRST.
  On tonight my sisters, daughters of the most HIGH GOD, let 2 Corinthians 12: 9, become life to you, that GOD'SGrace is sufficient for you, for his power is made perfect in our weakness.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

In His Presence

  Oh, to be in the presence of the" Lord GOD All Mighty."
  Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'
  Last night on the prayer conference that God has ordained for the women of God, the enemy tried to intervene and had no victory.
  The women of God stood, kneeled, laid prostate, or put their face against the wall and pressed their way to the call of prayer without fail or ceasing. Uplifting women all over the world. As usual God showed up and had his way, and manifested his glory in it all.
  My sisters I thank God for all of you who have come to touch and agree with God and me for the birthing of these prayer ministry/meetings.
  If you have been on these calls, then you have been in his presence and have experienced the fullness.
  Have you not felt the change ? Has he not answered your prayers ? Is he not the difference that you need ?
  Oh to be in the presence of the LORD, I challenge you to take some time and do this on daily basis, I challenge you to seek him with your whole heart, I dare you to make him first in your life, I dare you to touch the hem of his garment, so wantonly that the virtue will leave his body and he'll recognize that it;s you.
  He gives to those who seek him diligently, the desire of their heart.
  Want you desire him on today ? I Dare You !

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Feet of the Savior

Ever wonder what Mary received as she sat at the feet of Jesus ? On tonight I sat at his feet and prayed with my sisters in the Gospel and what a revelation I saw.
  All the answers to the prayers that they were petitioning the Father for were dropping out of the ceiling in my room and over taking us. It was truly as if God had opened up the ceiling and these gifts, finances, hopes, loved ones, good health, clear thoughts, healed bodies, promotions, restored marriages, all of these things were falling and we were trying to take cover and we could'nt, there was no where, where we could take cover or shelter it was as if God were forcing these things on us.
   Now would'nt that be awesome, blessings actually over taking us.
   Let's not be Martha, wondering why Mary did'nt get up to help her, even when she complained to the Father. I want to be Mary so in love with Jesus that nothing can drag me away from him.
  In his prescence is fullness & joy, In the vision as we prayed those gifts were falling because of our Mary like faith and obedience. Martha was so busy that she didn't realize that All the Father wanted was for her to want him, enough to put everything aside, not for always, but... a little while. Tomorrow I intend to wash his feet with my tears, any body want to join me ????????????????
  Love Ya To Life, Minister LaDonna J.   

Monday, August 23, 2010

Power of Prayer

Prayer changes people and people change things. It is so ! If we don't pray how will we know. God has given us (woman ) the ability and power to tear down the enemies dwelling with our mouth. That little member in the body can cause the greatest detriment to the body. I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, Genesis 3:15. With our tongue we praise our Lord  and Father, and with it we curse man, James 3:9. It can Build and Destroy, speak Life and Death, which do you chose to do today?. The pleasure we find in pleasing our God is no comparison to anything that this world can offer. So my sisters today I offer you prayer, it opens the door to Gods heart and  allows you a place at his feet, where you can make your petitions known and receive the keys to a whole healthy, prosperous life. The only cost is Time. The prayer of a righteous man/woman is powerful and effective. Make a space for our Father ..... not just when you want or need something or if your back is against the wall. But just because......allow him to show you who he is, and in return you'll see all that you can be. Love Ya To Life, Minister LaDonna

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Energy Zappers

         Ever wonder how others feel so good and your so miserable ? Let's take a look at what we let 
         bring us to that plateau. There is an answer for what ever ailment you are carrying around with you.
  • Drain - Other peoples expectations: Are you living someone else's dream for you. The other person gets all the satisfaction.
          Move - Declare independence: Someone who is not you will be disappointed. You will feel
  • Drain - Loss of Self: as kids we had to play by the rules. Our unique energy got caged. 
          Move - Personalize your Life: Find the pocket of freedom where you can be yourself.
  • Drain - Deprivation: You gain weight trying to get emotional energy from food.
          Move - Add pleasure, beauty, fun. Satisfying experiences are what you really crave.
  • Drain - Envy: We might find someone else's good fortune depressing.
          Move - Count your blessings: Comparison is a losers game. Look at what you have and feel actively
  • Drain - Worry: worry never comes up with good ideas. It torments and exhausts us.
         Move - Get going: Action is the cure for worry. Do one thing that brings you a step closer to coping.
  • Drain - Unfinished business: Unmade decisions and postponed projects drain you.
          Move - Do it or Dump it: Forget the perfect decision-just trust yourself and make a choice.
  • Drain - Overcommitment: Always saying "yes"- to your boss, mother, kids, friends; to request, favor, meetings.
         Move - Say "yes" to yourself. Tell someone else "no" once in a while, just to feel your own power.
  • Drain - Holding on to a Loss - Fresh loss is an emergency. Old losses are dead weight.
         Move - Cry all your tears: Indulge in big time mourning. Take off from work, stay in bed, and
          do nothing but cry till your dry--and bored. Then go out and embrace life.
      I am not an expert but these are definitely some area where God has granted us his Grace, and we
       need to thank him by using them to glorify HIM.

       Love Ya To Life, LaDonna

Article by:Annie Goettlieb

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letting Go

For the past month my Pastor has been ministering on the subject of "Letting Go". The reality has been that the Lord has been speaking that to my spirit for the last two years, yes two years, lazy, procrastinating me, one of the many things that I am being delivered from as I type. Just this past Sunday my spirit said yes. I heard a message about Elijah and how he sat at the Brook,where by God he was commanded to go and hide, which indicated to me that God was preparing and protecting, miraculously providing for him.  There Elijah was feed/kept  by God and ravens (can you imagine a Raven dropping off your meals morning and night) Only God !.
  Elijah was obedient and stayed in that place until the Brook dried up. Which God had foretold to Ahab through his prophet Elijah. So you see sometime situations in our life are just that "Life" and it not of our own will or anything that we have done to cause its, it's just time for  change. When God told Elijah to hide himself he had done nothing wrong, delivered a word from the Lord and went away to rest. He also was still the same man of God he had always been. God will and did not strip him/us of our anointing or favor if you stay in his presence his will. I believe that if we would sometimes heed the word of our Father and not of man we could save ourselves some sorrow.
  My Pastor also talked about how God doesn't want us to stay on the same job for twenty years. I don't think she knew how powerful a message that was, again my spirit said yes. so I'm going to be like Elijah, hear the word of the Lord and activate it over my life. Wait for the voice of the Lord. Hear the voice of the Lord. Be the voice if the Lord. I won't be the man with the one talent, sitting on it, when I know I have many. I want to be like Elijah used by God. So sisters if you have a ministry inside of you use it. If you have been sitting at the feet of God receiving instruction get up and begin the work, he'll substain you. Rejoice !  I always wondered who I was,  now I know I'm like Elijah and I have a mantle to pass on. Be Blessed.

Love Ya To Life,
Minister LaDonna

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Don't you just love being a woman? You have the ability to give life, nurture life and love to life.
God created Man, then he had a better idea; Woman.  I believe that he knew that earth needed a finer touch, some compassion, detailing to stay in order, so he created a second creature in whom he placed everything that was good and perfect, beautiful and awesome, fearless and wonderfully made and called her woman.

God is the ultimate lover and provider of our every need. He created us and knows what makes us tick. All we  have to do is call on him, believe, operate in faith and he will come to you in your hour of need. He has never stood us up. And if he is not present when  this vessel of flesh thinks he should be, Trust he's some where about to show up and show out, leaving me speechless as always.

Even in my ugly, gossipy, backbiting, indecisive cry babying self, God will pick me up, place me on solid ground present us blameless and awesome to the world.  I for one am glad about it. So the next time when your back is against the wall or it looks like there is no way out of the darkness. Stand on the word " Greater is he that dwells in you than he that is in the world, 1John 4:4, and you'll know without a doubt you are Gods hand picked, his Queen, full of Power. Look in the mirror and tell yourself; "I just love being a woman."