Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Refresh, Renew, Restore"

Ever feel so weighed down ? Filthy ? Sloghish ? How about all of the above ?
In the month of August I was all of that. God sent out a command to Pray & Fast  for thirty days, so myself and two faithful daughters in the Gospel, took on the clarian call of the Father and did just that.
  Out of the obedience and the sacrifice the Prayer Conference was birth. Every night at 9:00 pm. We come to the throne of Grace and give unto the Father our reasonably small offering of Prayer, Praise & Worship.
  In the mist of these nightly payers God has truly refreshed, renewed & restored all through the giving to him of his time.
  God also gave my sisters and I a place to retreat ( shelter in the time of a STORM) from the cares of this world for a moment. We were truly blessed by Mothers, Sisters & Daughters in the body of Christ coming together to serve and fellowship with one another. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.
  If you really want to see the move of God and become prosperous as your soul prospers & have the health that is commanded over your life, get out of Gods' way let him have his way.
  All you have to do is REST.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.

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