Sunday, October 31, 2010


  Respect is recognizing someone else's worth, honoring them for what they have done and who they are. In a very real sense, it is a gift you confer on someone, a gift of valuing them highly. To honor and respect others requires humility on our part, because we are making others look good without trying to makes ourselves look good at the same time.
  Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.
                                                                                          -Philippians 2:3-

This month we will focus on respect for others. Let's begin with the "God's Promise"
Honor your father and mother. Then you wil live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God will give you.

                                                                                         -Exodus 20:12-

  Stand still and watch for what God is about to do in the Earth and this great City of Kansas City.
  Don't forget each day; arm yourself daily, with the "Word of God", "Praise to God" and true "Worship".
  Anointing our youth daily for the desires of God, and a bitterness for Carnal Thinking.
Love Ya To Life, Minister Ladonna J.

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