Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Feet of the Savior

Ever wonder what Mary received as she sat at the feet of Jesus ? On tonight I sat at his feet and prayed with my sisters in the Gospel and what a revelation I saw.
  All the answers to the prayers that they were petitioning the Father for were dropping out of the ceiling in my room and over taking us. It was truly as if God had opened up the ceiling and these gifts, finances, hopes, loved ones, good health, clear thoughts, healed bodies, promotions, restored marriages, all of these things were falling and we were trying to take cover and we could'nt, there was no where, where we could take cover or shelter it was as if God were forcing these things on us.
   Now would'nt that be awesome, blessings actually over taking us.
   Let's not be Martha, wondering why Mary did'nt get up to help her, even when she complained to the Father. I want to be Mary so in love with Jesus that nothing can drag me away from him.
  In his prescence is fullness & joy, In the vision as we prayed those gifts were falling because of our Mary like faith and obedience. Martha was so busy that she didn't realize that All the Father wanted was for her to want him, enough to put everything aside, not for always, but... a little while. Tomorrow I intend to wash his feet with my tears, any body want to join me ????????????????
  Love Ya To Life, Minister LaDonna J.   

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