Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letting Go

For the past month my Pastor has been ministering on the subject of "Letting Go". The reality has been that the Lord has been speaking that to my spirit for the last two years, yes two years, lazy, procrastinating me, one of the many things that I am being delivered from as I type. Just this past Sunday my spirit said yes. I heard a message about Elijah and how he sat at the Brook,where by God he was commanded to go and hide, which indicated to me that God was preparing and protecting, miraculously providing for him.  There Elijah was feed/kept  by God and ravens (can you imagine a Raven dropping off your meals morning and night) Only God !.
  Elijah was obedient and stayed in that place until the Brook dried up. Which God had foretold to Ahab through his prophet Elijah. So you see sometime situations in our life are just that "Life" and it not of our own will or anything that we have done to cause its, it's just time for  change. When God told Elijah to hide himself he had done nothing wrong, delivered a word from the Lord and went away to rest. He also was still the same man of God he had always been. God will and did not strip him/us of our anointing or favor if you stay in his presence his will. I believe that if we would sometimes heed the word of our Father and not of man we could save ourselves some sorrow.
  My Pastor also talked about how God doesn't want us to stay on the same job for twenty years. I don't think she knew how powerful a message that was, again my spirit said yes. so I'm going to be like Elijah, hear the word of the Lord and activate it over my life. Wait for the voice of the Lord. Hear the voice of the Lord. Be the voice if the Lord. I won't be the man with the one talent, sitting on it, when I know I have many. I want to be like Elijah used by God. So sisters if you have a ministry inside of you use it. If you have been sitting at the feet of God receiving instruction get up and begin the work, he'll substain you. Rejoice !  I always wondered who I was,  now I know I'm like Elijah and I have a mantle to pass on. Be Blessed.

Love Ya To Life,
Minister LaDonna

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