Tuesday, October 5, 2010

His Grace Is Sufficient For Me

  Through the nightly prayers God has shown me that he is all I need. I've felt the sting of the Firery Darts, but satan the Lord My God rebukes you. I am more than a conqueror. God has proven that to me over & over in a thousand ways, That when I put out my shield of faith it will quence the darts that are headed my direction.
  My sisters, daughter of the most high God, march, stomp your feet and begin to march as if your life depended on it, ( it does) and while you are marching stick out your sheild of faith, give the Father a crazy praise, I promise you that you be victorious every time. "No Weapon", forged against you shall prosper.
  The sound of your praise will cause the window of Heaven to Open up and the blessings to over take you,  more than enough overflow shall be in your house.
  Looking for some thing from the father ?, you don't have to, He already knows what you have need of and he promised that he will give you the desire of your heart if you seek him FIRST.
  On tonight my sisters, daughters of the most HIGH GOD, let 2 Corinthians 12: 9, become life to you, that GOD'SGrace is sufficient for you, for his power is made perfect in our weakness.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.

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