Monday, August 23, 2010

Power of Prayer

Prayer changes people and people change things. It is so ! If we don't pray how will we know. God has given us (woman ) the ability and power to tear down the enemies dwelling with our mouth. That little member in the body can cause the greatest detriment to the body. I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, Genesis 3:15. With our tongue we praise our Lord  and Father, and with it we curse man, James 3:9. It can Build and Destroy, speak Life and Death, which do you chose to do today?. The pleasure we find in pleasing our God is no comparison to anything that this world can offer. So my sisters today I offer you prayer, it opens the door to Gods heart and  allows you a place at his feet, where you can make your petitions known and receive the keys to a whole healthy, prosperous life. The only cost is Time. The prayer of a righteous man/woman is powerful and effective. Make a space for our Father ..... not just when you want or need something or if your back is against the wall. But just because......allow him to show you who he is, and in return you'll see all that you can be. Love Ya To Life, Minister LaDonna

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