Thursday, December 15, 2011


What a year ! I personally have been stretched to the point of "Forced Growth".
What about you my sisters ?. Was this one of those years when you asked God for something, he showed up with gift in hand and you decided, not now God, I'm too busy, can you come back later?
I was guilty of all the above, my savior was so merciful and full of GRACE that he let me slack, take my time, even ignore, then one day, BAM......GET UP......WHO DO YOU THINK I AM ? Loud and audible was that voice.
You my daughter are the one who has asked for more of me, to be like me, LOVE like me. I have come to empower you in all these areas and you have the nerve to tell me to wait.
"I know who you are FATHER, I'm just not ready to be all in, I got so much to do, I can't find the extra time, there is just one me."
That's when it hit me how many young sisters had died, been abused, are in bondage, additive states, homeless for the Father, looking for Love and the Word, searching for truth or maybe like my granddaughter seeking self worth or have ran away from what I thought was a perfect home. Because of my excuses.
Lord I need your help, was my cry again and with his same unconditional LOVE he said, "I'm here my daughter.
"Forced Growth", my sisters you do not want, but to grow in GRACE. "Forced Growth will make you look in the mirror daily to examine the mess you have become, instead of that powerhouse that you were commissioned to be. Take the rest of this year and focus on what we as women in the body of Christ have been given, which is the Authority to do for GOD, through GOD, and with GOD, and let's begin again.
He is merciful, and will give HIS GRACE unto you, to complete the work HE begun in you. Allow GOD to have his way with us, shape, make and mold us, not our spouses, children, jobs or society. 
The next time we bend our knee, spend solace with the Father, ask for his help we want to be able to hear, I'm here my daughter and, "IT IS WELL" 

Love Ya To Life, LaDonna J.

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Decisions Create Seasons"

Your success is determined by who you choose to Honor.

Success is always found in your differences,
Comfort in your similarities.

Wisdom is the ability to receive differences.

Honor is the willingness to reward someone for their differences.

1. Your rewards in life are determined by the problems you solve for others.

2. Satan always attacks those next in line for a promotion.

3 .What you are willing to walk away from, GOD will bring to you.

4.  What you make happen for others, GOD will make happen for you. 

5.  The seasons of your life will change every time you use your Faith.

6.  What you respect you will attract.

7.  Seed Faith is sowing what you have been given, to create what you have been promised.

Love Ya to Life,
LaDonna J.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


These last couple of months have been some of the most trying in my entire life.
God has challenged me to see if my words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart  are pure, I have even questioned myself.
God gave the gift of  Melinda Relifords' daughter Melinda to me to raise in the might and spirit of him, against everything that was in me I gave in to this call. It has not been easy.
From the moment of her birth until her  Mom's death, in 2009 I shared this responsibility with numerous individuals. Then one day it was just her, I and GOD.
She's a beauty. Seventeen, so much potential, energy, love and at the same time anger, growing pains and self discovery.
Within the last two months Melinda has ran away, become pregnant, terminated the pregnancy, ran away again, quit school, gone back to a place of darkness and strongholds where she was molested, that at one time was familiar to her, but I know the GRACE and PLAN of GOD  has better for her. I have not talked to her in three weeks. It's been hard to sleep and eat, hard to pray, hard to trust anyone with a conversation about her.
I have searched myself over and over again, where did I drop the ball ?, what did I not see?,  I know that she was missing her Mom, but she talked about it all the time, she was a free spirit not closed mouth like some youth, expressed herself at will and against it at times. She had ever advantage for success.
So what happened ?,  I don't know. Who turned off the light ?, maybe I did, I'm still wondering.
What  I do know is that as I'm writing this I'm becoming free,  Free from the quilt of all of what life will sometimes send our way,  Free from what I thought was wise counsel,  Free from those who only gave lip service that they would be there in a time of need, Free from backbiters, Free from secret keepers, Free from naysayers and the gossipers that look me in the face on a regular and tell me that they LOVE me and my granddaughter.
What I am seeing is that GOD IS HERE! 
Once I moved the Cloud of Judgement that I had allowed to move in with me, I saw GOD all around me.
 His image, strength, wisdom, power, will, plan for my life, and yes maybe even Melinda's life.
I am learning that MY GOD is omnipresent, even in my night seasons and shall supply all my needs, that includes direction and guidance, and the removal of all darkness.
I know where GOD is, right here, carrying me every step of the way !

Minister LaDonna J.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


"Deception" - A dishonest, misrepresentation. I see you.

"Confusion"- Mistake one thing for another, mingle indiscriminately. I see you.

"Delusion" - False or irrational belief. I see you.

"Illusion" - Erroneous or deceptive impression. I see you.

"Truth" - Bring to conformity with a standard. Genuine, Loyal, Real. I know you.

"Integrity" - Strict compliance, Ethical standard, State of being whole or sound. I know you.

"Real" - Not Imaginary. I know you.

"Loyal" - Faithful. I am still looking, waiting, watching for you.

Love Ya To life, Minister LaDonna J.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have been tested, stretched, persecuted, lied on, my faith has been put to the limit today, but I am standing on the promises of God, that I shall have the victory and that his joy is my strenght.
Hallelujah ! My God is awesome and there is none like him !
I will and I repeat, I will not have any other God before him. 
Sisters, he promised that he would not leave or forsake us in our time of trouble, and if we call on his name our enemy had to scatter.
Lord, Lord, Lord I'm calling and my back is against the wall, I have on the full armour, but you said that this battle was not mine it belonged to you.
There is hope and a future for us my sisters when we serve the Lord.
He said that in Jeremiah 29:10-11 did he not ?
We have to be still and know that he is God.
The enemy tricks us, because he is always moving and doing something, he comes to trouble us at every angle, it always seems likes he's winning be cause he never stops.
How does GODS' people win?, by being still, when we are weak he is made strong, when we are still he is working it out. We have to trust that God is in control and has the final report.
If we fight with any weapon other than praise or God's word, we will be defeated. Let's move self out of the way and let the Father have his way.


Minister LaDonna J.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Sisters Retreat"

"Declaring Your Independence"

Friday July 8 - 9, 2011
Holiday Inn Express 8551 Blue Parkway
Kansas City , Mo.

Come fellowship, receive the word of GOD and get pampered in the process.
Cost is 125.00 which includes room, meals, two spa services, gifts, games, awesome worship, pillow talk,cool swimming pool, therauputic hot tub and more. Special this month is register one and bring a friend for 1/2  off.

You also have an opportunity from now until Midnite Wed. July 6th to go online and enter for a FREE stay at the retreat, send us all your info, don't forget what services you'd like and your B-Day info.

Services offered are :
Relaxing Foot Soaks
Awesome Facials
Best ever Back Messages
Healing Hand Messages
Private Christian Counseling

Don't get Left Behind, See You There .................

P.S. Don't forget your swimsuit.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LADonna J.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


  I woke one day recently and realized that I was in a war zone. I had allowed myself to get tired and overwhelmed and was not on my P's & Q's and Satan had arrived to sift me like wheat.

  I called for the warriors, you know, the ones who will stand with you in battle and we clothe ourselves in the full armour and went to work. I had to call on my Heavenly Father with out ceasing.

                               This is what I learned in the Fire.

1. Pray Always - Jesus gives us access to the Father, confidence in coming to Him and the assurance of help in times of need. Hebrews 4:14-16

2. Pray with all kinds of Prayers & Supplications - Warfare praying includes forgiveness, We must forgive those who sin/persecute us as our Heavenly Father forgives us. Matthew 6:14-15

3. Pray in the Spirit - Apostle Paul says praying in your heavenly language speaks to God, not man.
    Acts 2:4

4. Be watchful in prayer - Vigilant, keep awake, be alert. Galatians 6:9

5. Have all Perseverance in Prayer - Virtuous spiritual warfare is possible as the Holy spirit empowers you to fight through prayer. Wrestle until you win the war. When you use the Bible you can bind the evil one and declare Gods promise and victory for your life and your family. Psalms 62:7-8

6. Pray for all believers - We can intercede for others through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:27  

  As we Fasted and Prayed for three days in warfare, God came, he gave his Word, Strength, and moved His Hand against the enemy and we walked in Victory just as he promised.

Remember my sisters, God requires something from us Daily, a little thing called time. Let's make room for Him that we can always be Vigilant, and ready for battle.

Love Ya To Life,
Minister LaDonna J.

Monday, May 9, 2011


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When at first we practice to deceive."

When I was appointed my first task at leading a group I did it, boy did I do it. I was not prepared, equipped or well versed. It was my was my familiarity that got me the position in the first place. It was not my knowledge, it was not even my experience, but that wicked thing called "familiarity."
Familiarity breed contempt and deception.
The word tells us to, Do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2Tim. 2:15
I had not done that and God openly exposed me for my deception.
My sisters we need to be prepared in season as well as out of season, for we never know when w shall be called upon to be a representative for the Lord, even if it 's operating in the secular, for God created that entity also.
When we stand before one another let us do so with pure hearts and clean minds so as not to cause each other to stumble.
Let us search ourselves and be found worthy of the task.
Above all let us operate in humility and love, thereby gaining wisdom and winning souls.
Giving all glory to the Father who has equipped you.

Love Ya To Life, Min. Ladonna J.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"It's Morning"

What a difference a day can make, For his anger last only a moment, but his favor last a lifetime; weeping may endure for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
For me morning represents a new day, fresh start, a new beginning.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a woman, I put childish ways behind me. 1Cor. 13:11.
  This is my season for adulthood, my season to operate in obedience, teach and exhort the word of God, without compromise.
  There will be some who God will put in my pathway who will receive what he has for their lives, who will move on to a more excellent way of living. There will be some who will not receive and will stay in that infancy stage, that selfish faze, who only want someone to agree with them and apeace their flesh.
All I can do for you who are in that arena is pray, Pray that you'll recognize that "It"s Morning."
I can no longer allow myself to hold the heart in my hand, when it only wants to be messaged.
God has a plan for you my sisters, daughters, friends and it's to give you a "Good Life."
Do you want the "Good Life", or are you just looking for a quick fix.
God's promise is to those of us who can endure to the end, not the swift (appearing to look good from a distance), not even the strong (looking like you got it all together), but to those who will can indure to the end.
Come out of the dark into His marvelous light.
"It's Morning"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Who am I ?"

Upon looking in the mirror one day I had to ask myself , who are you ?. You appear to look, talk, walk, behave a certain way, Then I heard a voice say "You can't fool me !". I had to still myself and find a place to shelter myself until I knew for sure. 
  In that place I cried out to the Father, what am I doing ?, who am I suppose to be ?, How long will it take me to reach that promise that you spoke over my life ? and that same sweet voice said, "Look to me, and I will show you, great and mighty things, that I have for you to do, works that only you can accomplish.
  Upon hearing that statement, I began to see who I wasn't, I was not in that place of obedience, had not been giving of my time to my fellow sisters, not encouraging them enough in "The Word", not praying as I should, I had been slack in everything that GOD had commissioned for my life.
"I", is not what God intended for us. "We" is who he made us. Belonging to a bigger picture, a Body not made by human hands, "I" cannot run this race along, "We" can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I need all of my sisters to help me be what God called me to be. If I am not building, encouraging, lifting, winning souls for the Kingdom in this Body, then I am not honoring my Father.
When I look in the mirror now, I see my sisters, those who have success's, those I have helped along the way, those who have overcome, those of us who God is molding daily and I can now see, "Who I Am"

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

                                                      Spring Into Action

There is nothing like Spring, not even Fall. It to me represents the beginning of newness, all old things have passed away and growth is on the uprise. This is a time for reflection Sisters, a time to establish what is to be, set order for yourselves spiritually and naturally.
  Tell yourself I refuse to be stuck in last years chaos, don't carry any baggage you don't need, I'm taking on my future and in it; there can be no lack, failure, weight or defeat. We are no longer children my sisters, we don't have to constantly be told to put away immaturity, if we want the things of God we're going to have to have to do some spring cleaning and set our selfs/houses in order, to receive what the Father has for us. Which is Love, Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Deliverance, Redemption, Authority and I can go on and on......
  We must rid ourselves of Disobedience, Malice, Gossip, Jealousy, Fornication, Slothfulness, Unforgiveness just to name a few......

 " Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a quilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.   Hebrews 10: 22-24.

   Come on my sisters let's Spring into Action so we don't have to Fall Back.

Love Ya To life , LaDonna J.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


 The other night I was working on a message to deliver to my church family, when the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said New. I begin to search the scriptures for what God meant by new, by the end of the evening I had literally looked up every scripture that contained the word new. To my surprise what I found was that there was no new thing under the sun. I was looking for something that was not there. The God we serve is the same God he has always been, Loving, masterful, Omnipresent. What I did discover was that when I became a new creature in Christ and he gave me the keys or principles to life it was my responsibility to take them and unlock his word and begin to live, live as if each day would be my last, glorify him along the way and win souls to his kingdom by the life that I would live.
To his disappointment and my shame I have not lived up to his expectation. So instead of trying to do something new or making a resolution for this year, God sat me in a quiet place and disciplined me. I mean he pulled no punches with me. I repented and made up my mind that no matter what, I'm going back to the Old,... the old way of obedience, sacrifice and following after Christ.
When we allow others to get in between us and God, we will always find ourselves out of his will. We must always make time to do the will of God. If we are to busy to do that, we are too busy. I/we my sisters have been too busy. As I get back to the old, and the obedience, pray for me that his word will encourage us to soar in the purpose of God and bring life to our lives.
Love Ya to Life, LaDonna J.