Thursday, December 15, 2011


What a year ! I personally have been stretched to the point of "Forced Growth".
What about you my sisters ?. Was this one of those years when you asked God for something, he showed up with gift in hand and you decided, not now God, I'm too busy, can you come back later?
I was guilty of all the above, my savior was so merciful and full of GRACE that he let me slack, take my time, even ignore, then one day, BAM......GET UP......WHO DO YOU THINK I AM ? Loud and audible was that voice.
You my daughter are the one who has asked for more of me, to be like me, LOVE like me. I have come to empower you in all these areas and you have the nerve to tell me to wait.
"I know who you are FATHER, I'm just not ready to be all in, I got so much to do, I can't find the extra time, there is just one me."
That's when it hit me how many young sisters had died, been abused, are in bondage, additive states, homeless for the Father, looking for Love and the Word, searching for truth or maybe like my granddaughter seeking self worth or have ran away from what I thought was a perfect home. Because of my excuses.
Lord I need your help, was my cry again and with his same unconditional LOVE he said, "I'm here my daughter.
"Forced Growth", my sisters you do not want, but to grow in GRACE. "Forced Growth will make you look in the mirror daily to examine the mess you have become, instead of that powerhouse that you were commissioned to be. Take the rest of this year and focus on what we as women in the body of Christ have been given, which is the Authority to do for GOD, through GOD, and with GOD, and let's begin again.
He is merciful, and will give HIS GRACE unto you, to complete the work HE begun in you. Allow GOD to have his way with us, shape, make and mold us, not our spouses, children, jobs or society. 
The next time we bend our knee, spend solace with the Father, ask for his help we want to be able to hear, I'm here my daughter and, "IT IS WELL" 

Love Ya To Life, LaDonna J.

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