Saturday, January 1, 2011


 The other night I was working on a message to deliver to my church family, when the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said New. I begin to search the scriptures for what God meant by new, by the end of the evening I had literally looked up every scripture that contained the word new. To my surprise what I found was that there was no new thing under the sun. I was looking for something that was not there. The God we serve is the same God he has always been, Loving, masterful, Omnipresent. What I did discover was that when I became a new creature in Christ and he gave me the keys or principles to life it was my responsibility to take them and unlock his word and begin to live, live as if each day would be my last, glorify him along the way and win souls to his kingdom by the life that I would live.
To his disappointment and my shame I have not lived up to his expectation. So instead of trying to do something new or making a resolution for this year, God sat me in a quiet place and disciplined me. I mean he pulled no punches with me. I repented and made up my mind that no matter what, I'm going back to the Old,... the old way of obedience, sacrifice and following after Christ.
When we allow others to get in between us and God, we will always find ourselves out of his will. We must always make time to do the will of God. If we are to busy to do that, we are too busy. I/we my sisters have been too busy. As I get back to the old, and the obedience, pray for me that his word will encourage us to soar in the purpose of God and bring life to our lives.
Love Ya to Life, LaDonna J.  

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