Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"It's Morning"

What a difference a day can make, For his anger last only a moment, but his favor last a lifetime; weeping may endure for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
For me morning represents a new day, fresh start, a new beginning.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a woman, I put childish ways behind me. 1Cor. 13:11.
  This is my season for adulthood, my season to operate in obedience, teach and exhort the word of God, without compromise.
  There will be some who God will put in my pathway who will receive what he has for their lives, who will move on to a more excellent way of living. There will be some who will not receive and will stay in that infancy stage, that selfish faze, who only want someone to agree with them and apeace their flesh.
All I can do for you who are in that arena is pray, Pray that you'll recognize that "It"s Morning."
I can no longer allow myself to hold the heart in my hand, when it only wants to be messaged.
God has a plan for you my sisters, daughters, friends and it's to give you a "Good Life."
Do you want the "Good Life", or are you just looking for a quick fix.
God's promise is to those of us who can endure to the end, not the swift (appearing to look good from a distance), not even the strong (looking like you got it all together), but to those who will can indure to the end.
Come out of the dark into His marvelous light.
"It's Morning"

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