Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Who am I ?"

Upon looking in the mirror one day I had to ask myself , who are you ?. You appear to look, talk, walk, behave a certain way, Then I heard a voice say "You can't fool me !". I had to still myself and find a place to shelter myself until I knew for sure. 
  In that place I cried out to the Father, what am I doing ?, who am I suppose to be ?, How long will it take me to reach that promise that you spoke over my life ? and that same sweet voice said, "Look to me, and I will show you, great and mighty things, that I have for you to do, works that only you can accomplish.
  Upon hearing that statement, I began to see who I wasn't, I was not in that place of obedience, had not been giving of my time to my fellow sisters, not encouraging them enough in "The Word", not praying as I should, I had been slack in everything that GOD had commissioned for my life.
"I", is not what God intended for us. "We" is who he made us. Belonging to a bigger picture, a Body not made by human hands, "I" cannot run this race along, "We" can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I need all of my sisters to help me be what God called me to be. If I am not building, encouraging, lifting, winning souls for the Kingdom in this Body, then I am not honoring my Father.
When I look in the mirror now, I see my sisters, those who have success's, those I have helped along the way, those who have overcome, those of us who God is molding daily and I can now see, "Who I Am"

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.


  1. You are right...who are you? It's unfortunate that you have hurt a lot of GOD's people including me and you don't even know it. I pray GOD will reveal your acts and unChrist like ways to you. Your sister in Christ.

  2. We all should look in the mirror and take off the mask and ask the question, Who am I? You can run but you can't hide from God. He knows who you really are. You must admit who you are and see what God sees. We have all hurt someone in our lives. (THERE IS NOTHING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ALL) It is our Christian duty to apologize to those that we have hurt but we can't dwell on that once we pray about it and ask for forgiveness you must move on. It then becomes the other person's problem. You can't apologize to someone if you don't know that you hurt them. That is why we should pray, if we have hurt someone knowingly and unknowingly everyday. I thank God for you LaDonna, you are allowing the Lord to use you to reach others. Thank you for being obedient an allowing the Lord to use you to do HIS WILL. You know sometimes the truth hurts and some don't deal with the truth very well. Continue to be encouraged, my sister. May the Lord continue to bless you and enlarge your territory.
    Your sister in Christ,

  3. I would hope that if I have hurt any one that God would reveal it to the world. I am trying to live a whole and healed life. My life is an open book and there are no hidden agendas. please forgive me. Love ya To Life, Min. Ladonna
