Sunday, June 23, 2013

The word of GOD tells us that we are set apart, a Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar People, made for the service of GOD.
How than did we become so carnal (fleshly, of the world, temporal) ?
The GOD of this world made us in HIS IMAGE, to be like HIM, but that was not to our liken so we decided to recreate ourselves.
He said that we were UNIQUE, but the other day I was on FB, Twitter, Istagram, all carbon copies of the same stuff and just reading statements that had been scripted, when I realized that there were only a hand full of people who understood their originality. Everyone was quoting the latest jargon (dialect) no one was original. It looked and sounded like THE STEPPFORD WIVES/HUSBANDS - AN OLD 1960'S MOVIE, where the put artificial mindsets in the people and told them how to think.
Everyone was airing there dirty laundry, talking about one another, doing that Willy Lynch thing which half of them don't even know, who, what or when this trick came upon our people.
But if you say anything, or have an opinion about it, then your JUDGING, what they have just put out there for all to see.
How about this ? 
1 Peter 2: 9-10 (wonder how many will look it up to see what it says) ?
'My people Parish for a lack of knowledge'
Let's not, not move our Minds, Body and Souls forward because we are afraid to be that different, set apart person, that person that God has given to you an ARMY of souls to witness to, and no... its not your girls, no... it's not your dogs, for how can you make a Difference or be a Light if your hid in the same crowd ?, But you were made to SHINE for all to see. 
Let's be that one Original, that you were destined to be. 
WHEN YOU WOKE THIS MORNING, did you ask GOD, what can I do to serve 'You' this morning, how can I be that 'Special Person' that you destined 'Me' to be ?
It's simple, Come out from amongst the crowd, only Eagles fly alone.
Pigeons and chickens, have to have that crowd.
Isaiah 40:31

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna

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