Friday, June 14, 2013

Jesus Calling

I HAVE LOVED YOU with an everlasting Love.
Before time began, I knew you. For years you swarm around in a sea of meaninglessness, searching for Love, hoping for hope. 
All that time I was pursuing you, aching to embrace you in My compassionate arms.
When time was right I revealed myself to you. I lifted you out of that sea of despair and set you down on a firm foundation. Sometimes you felt naked--exposed to the revealing Light of My Presence. I wrapped an ermine rope around you: My robe of righteousness. I sang you a Love song, whose beginning and end are veiled in eternity. I infused meaning into your mind and harmony into your heart. Join Me in singing My song. Together we will draw others out of darkness into My marvelous Light.

Jeremiah 31:3
Isaiah 61:10
1 Peter 2:9

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J

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