Sunday, June 23, 2013

The word of GOD tells us that we are set apart, a Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar People, made for the service of GOD.
How than did we become so carnal (fleshly, of the world, temporal) ?
The GOD of this world made us in HIS IMAGE, to be like HIM, but that was not to our liken so we decided to recreate ourselves.
He said that we were UNIQUE, but the other day I was on FB, Twitter, Istagram, all carbon copies of the same stuff and just reading statements that had been scripted, when I realized that there were only a hand full of people who understood their originality. Everyone was quoting the latest jargon (dialect) no one was original. It looked and sounded like THE STEPPFORD WIVES/HUSBANDS - AN OLD 1960'S MOVIE, where the put artificial mindsets in the people and told them how to think.
Everyone was airing there dirty laundry, talking about one another, doing that Willy Lynch thing which half of them don't even know, who, what or when this trick came upon our people.
But if you say anything, or have an opinion about it, then your JUDGING, what they have just put out there for all to see.
How about this ? 
1 Peter 2: 9-10 (wonder how many will look it up to see what it says) ?
'My people Parish for a lack of knowledge'
Let's not, not move our Minds, Body and Souls forward because we are afraid to be that different, set apart person, that person that God has given to you an ARMY of souls to witness to, and no... its not your girls, no... it's not your dogs, for how can you make a Difference or be a Light if your hid in the same crowd ?, But you were made to SHINE for all to see. 
Let's be that one Original, that you were destined to be. 
WHEN YOU WOKE THIS MORNING, did you ask GOD, what can I do to serve 'You' this morning, how can I be that 'Special Person' that you destined 'Me' to be ?
It's simple, Come out from amongst the crowd, only Eagles fly alone.
Pigeons and chickens, have to have that crowd.
Isaiah 40:31

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna

Friday, June 21, 2013


WAIT PATIENTLY WITH ME WHILE I BLESS YOU. Don't rush into My Presence with time consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell in timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be. For you, time is a protection; you're a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four hour segments of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind. Learn to master time, or it will master you.
Though you are a time-bound creature, seek to meet me in timelessness. as you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and task will diminish. I will bless you and keep you, making My Face to shine upon you graciously, giving you Peace.

Micah 7:7
Revelation 1:8
Numbers 6:24 - 26

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jesus Calling

I SPEAK TO YOU CONTINUALLY. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day. I speak in the faces and voices of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit, where I have taken up residence.
You can find Me in each moment, when you have eyes that see and ears that hear. Ask My Spirit to sharpen your spiritual eyesight and hearing. I rejoice each time you discover My Presence. Practice looking and listening for Me during quiet intervals. Gradually you will find Me in more and more of your moments. You will seek and find Me, when you seek Me above all else.

Psalms 8:1 - 4
Psalms 19: 1- 2
1 Corinthians 6:19
Jeremiah 29:13

Love ya to Life, LaDonna J

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I AM THE FIRM FOUNDATION on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control - an impossible task and a waste of precious energy.
My guidance for each of My children is unique. That's why listening to Me is so vital for your well -being. Let Me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction. I am with you continually, so don't be intimidated by fear. Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence.
Psalm 5:11 
Ephesians 3:20-21
Jude 24 -25
Joshua 1:5

Love ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jesus Calling

YOU ARE MY BELOVED CHILD. I chose you before the foundations of the world, to walk with Me along the paths designed uniquely for you. Concentrate on keeping in step with Me, instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you. If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment.
Your hope and your future are rooted in Heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you.

 Nothing can rob you of your inheritance of unimaginable riches and well-being. Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on. But your main focus should be staying close to Me. I set the pace in keeping with your needs and My purposes.

Ephesians 1:4
Proverbs 16:9
Jeremiah 29:11
Ephesians 1:13 -14

Love ay to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus, what does that mean ?
Just an old gospel song ?, something I always heard my grandmother say ?
No, it means when my eyes opened a smile creep over my face, when I saw that it was day and I was in a recognizable place, 'God's Grace,' had smiled on me once more and that I had another opportunity to do what I had not done the day before.
Today I get to tell three awesome men who pushed from my womb and gave me more pain than I thought I could bare, that they also give me more pleasure and make me prouder than I deserve to be, at any given moment, 'Happy Father's Day.'
Today I get to watch them interact, with the gift of parenthood that God has given them, and the precious sons and daughters that they get to hear themselves call their name over and over, and tell them the same thing they just told them to do/not do two minutes ago.
Today I get to Bless another Sister in Christ with the encouraging words, Jesus Loves You, and so do I.
Today I get to see with my eyes the Beauty of the Lord and behold all His glory.
Today I get to operate in Freedom and Liberty, while He covers me in all my disobedience with His Mercy and Grace.
Today I get to give Love, unconditional Love even to those who persecute me and spitefully use me.
Today I get to breathe the breath of Life, which is so precious.
Today I get to make a difference.
Today I get to Be......because I know who I am.
If you didn't wake up with your mind on Jesus......maybe you need to go back to sleep.
Isaiah 26:3

Love ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Friday, June 14, 2013

Jesus Calling

I HAVE LOVED YOU with an everlasting Love.
Before time began, I knew you. For years you swarm around in a sea of meaninglessness, searching for Love, hoping for hope. 
All that time I was pursuing you, aching to embrace you in My compassionate arms.
When time was right I revealed myself to you. I lifted you out of that sea of despair and set you down on a firm foundation. Sometimes you felt naked--exposed to the revealing Light of My Presence. I wrapped an ermine rope around you: My robe of righteousness. I sang you a Love song, whose beginning and end are veiled in eternity. I infused meaning into your mind and harmony into your heart. Join Me in singing My song. Together we will draw others out of darkness into My marvelous Light.

Jeremiah 31:3
Isaiah 61:10
1 Peter 2:9

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


There are many possible paths to travel between your getting up in the morning and your laying down at night. 
Stay alert to the many choice-points along the way, being continually aware of My Presence.
You will get through this day one way or another. One way is to moan and groan , stumbling along with shuffling feet.  This will get you to the end of the day eventually, but there is a better way. 
You can choose to walk with Me along the path of Peace, leaning on Me as much as you need. There will still be difficulties along the way, but you can face them confidently in My Strength. 
Thank Me for each problem you encounter, and watch to see how I transform trails into Blessings.

1Corinthians 10:10
Luke 1:79

Love ya to Life, min. LaDonna J

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


TRUST ME and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Do not let fear dissipate your energy. Instead, invest your energy in trusting Me and singing My Song. The battle for control of your mind is fierce, and years of worry have made you vulnerable to to the enemy. Therefore, you need to be vigilant in guarding your thoughts. Do not despise this weakness in yourself, since I am using it to draw you closer to Me. Your constant need for Me creates an intimacy that is well worth all the effort. You are not alone in this struggle for your mind. My Spirit ever living  within you is ever ready to help in this striving. Ask Him to control you mind; He will bless you with Life and Peace.

Isaiah 12:2
Romans 8:6

Love ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Thursday, June 6, 2013


SEEK MY FACE, and you will find fulfillment of your deepest longings. My world is filled with beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me, reminders of My abiding Presence. The earth still declares My Glory to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear.
You had a darkened mind before you sought Me wholeheartedly. I chose to pour My Light into you, so that you can be a beacon to others. There is no room for pride in this position. Your part is to reflect My Glory. I am Lord !
Psalm 105:4
Psalm 19:1-2
Isaiah 60:2

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


REMEMBER THAT YOU LIVE IN  a fallen world: an abnormal world tainted by sin. Much frustration and failure result from your seeking perfection in this life. There is nothing perfect in this world but Me. That is why closeness  to Me satisfies deep yearning and fills you with Joy.
I have planted longing for perfection in every human heart. This is a good desire, which I alone can fulfill. But most people seek this fullfillment in other people and earthly pleasure or achievements.Thus they create idols, before which they bow down. I will have no other gods before Me ! Make Me the deepest desire of your heart. Let me fulfill your yearning for perfection,

Exodus 20:3
Psalm 37:4

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J

Monday, June 3, 2013


I WANT TO BE CENTRAL in your entire being.
When your focus is firmly on Me, My Peace displaces fears and worries. They will encircle you, seeking entrance, so you must stay alert. Let trust and thankfulness stand guard, turning back fear before it can gain a foothold. There is no fear in My Love, which shines on you continually. Sit quietly in My Love-Light, while I bless you with radiant Peace. Turn your whole being to trusting and loving Me.

2 Thessalonians 3:16
1John 4:18

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

 RELAX IN MY HEALING, holy Presence. Be still, while I transform your heart and  mind. Let go of cares and worries, so that you can receive my Peace. Cease striving, and know that I am God.
Do not be like the Pharisees who multiplied regulations, creating their own form of "godliness." They got so wrap up in their own rules that they lost sight of Me. Even today, man-made rules about how to live the Christian life enslave many people. Their focus is on their performance rather than on Me.
It is through knowing Me intimately that you become like Me. This requires spending time alone with Me. Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10
1 John 3:2

Love Ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J.