Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Tonight as my sisters and I called out to GOD, His Glory came and filled the place, He spoke and said, 'It Is Done'.
My Sisters whatever your praying, speaking into existence, struggling with, believing GOD for it is already done.
I/we have heard this for years, God has a plan, to prosper, to take me/you to a good an expected end, not to harm us.
I have been struggling with the things of this world, the concerns/trails of others, trying to walk this thing called Life out, when GOD, showed up and spoken so lovingly. LaDonna, I already spoke your Life into existence and I did it with Purpose  and Destiny. You can stop struggling now, stop trying to do My Job, I got this.
That is why I have told You, that 'My Yoke' is Easy and 'My Burden is Light', don't you believe me daughter ?
My Sisters, give it over to GOD, let it go !
He told me, LaDonna you cannot change what I have already spoken.
'I Change Not'
Get in my presence, I will show you who, what, where and why ? 
Are you not my daughters, and there is nothing I would not do for My daughters.
You can separated yourself from ME, but you cannot leave ME .
Isn't it wonderful to know, That all we have to do is stay in HIS presence and watch GOD perform his WORD.

Psalms  84:11
For the Lord God is sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J

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