Thursday, May 31, 2012

'Letting Go"

Here is a great misconception for us all, letting go will cause one to fall, be set back, tripped up, lost, without, alone, broke, having to start over, all lies, all illusions and delusions. 
There are seasons to life, they change and when they do you cannot take with you to the next season what you had in the last. You do not wear coats in the summer or sandals in the snow.
Talking with one of my sons recently and sharing an epiphany that I have lived and he is now experiencing, he gave analogy to his season as such, a tree, when it is time for the tree to be a part of the next season it has to shed every leaf in order to get ready for the new leaves that will come, not some... but all leaves, that tree will stand necked and bare before God waiting to be clothe by Him in the next season.
There are some trees that produce fruit one season and then just blossoms or leaves the next, that's called rest. God will give rest when one is weary, shade/provision when it needed.
Loyalty can be an attribute when it is directed properly and not used for ones selfish gain. It can also be an obstacle to hearing and obeying the word or voice of God.
When God tells us or shows us that it is time to "Let Go", we must move quickly to His will, so as not to miss a beat.
Jeremiah 31:31 God will make a New Covenant
32: It will not be like the old covenant , we are going to have to walk by faith and not by what man says.
33: He will be our God and we will be His people.
John 10:27 my sheep know my voice,I know them, they follow me.
28:I give them eternal life, no one can snatch them from me.

The next time I hear the voice of God say, "Let go", I will not hesitate and neither should you, Letting Go, only allows the will of the Father to take the lead and take you to that Good and Expected Place he talks about in that plan he has for you and for me.
What are you willing to "Let Go" of, to have  all that God promised ?

Love ya To Life, LaDonna J.

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