Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Who am I ?"

Upon looking in the mirror one day I had to ask myself , who are you ?. You appear to look, talk, walk, behave a certain way, Then I heard a voice say "You can't fool me !". I had to still myself and find a place to shelter myself until I knew for sure. 
  In that place I cried out to the Father, what am I doing ?, who am I suppose to be ?, How long will it take me to reach that promise that you spoke over my life ? and that same sweet voice said, "Look to me, and I will show you, great and mighty things, that I have for you to do, works that only you can accomplish.
  Upon hearing that statement, I began to see who I wasn't, I was not in that place of obedience, had not been giving of my time to my fellow sisters, not encouraging them enough in "The Word", not praying as I should, I had been slack in everything that GOD had commissioned for my life.
"I", is not what God intended for us. "We" is who he made us. Belonging to a bigger picture, a Body not made by human hands, "I" cannot run this race along, "We" can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I need all of my sisters to help me be what God called me to be. If I am not building, encouraging, lifting, winning souls for the Kingdom in this Body, then I am not honoring my Father.
When I look in the mirror now, I see my sisters, those who have success's, those I have helped along the way, those who have overcome, those of us who God is molding daily and I can now see, "Who I Am"

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna J.