Friday, July 26, 2013

The Blood  & the Word

Today as I was sitting in my pain wrecked body, and speaking to myself, I said. "why do"I" always have to have some kind of afflictions", and I heard myself say, "why do "you" always say you have some sort of affliction".
Wow, was all I could think, I took a few more pills,  the pain let up a bit, and I drug my 'rusty ole tail', to work, to chase a dime, when the God I serve has promised me dollars.
When I got there, My first client began to speak the word of
God and we had such a such a good time sharing the word of God.
She reminded me that God is my source, everything else is a resource.
Then the next client came and reminded me that this is the year that we will have what we say.
Lord, I receive it all. 
Those words ate at me like lye....I had been living a lie, not living in my purpose or God's will.  
What have I been doing ?
What had I been saying ?
What had I been believing ?
Lord I repent, for all of my stupidity, all of my disobedience, slothfulness, procrastination.
I will speak to my mountains.
I will speak to my flesh.
I will say yes to JESUS !
 I will not complain. 
I will not, not pray.
I will not, not give my God the Praise !
I will step out, because I have the Blood that covers and protects me.
The word of God that gives me Power & Victory.
Love ya to Life, Min. LaDonna J