Sunday, October 21, 2012


Know what I found out the other day ? People don't want your help, they don't want your advice, they don't want your opinion. 
What they do want is your space, time, energy, finances and what ever other tangibles they can use for their own self gratification, when you have poured out, given out, and have worn yourself out, they will move own.
At your memorial they will say she/he was a great person, or they did this or that with their life.What of your Legacy ?
I came from my mother's womb, with the gift of being a giver and GOD has made the path in my life one where takers have truly found their way, and the lesson that came back to haunt me is this: "I must be lead of the Spirit and not of the Flesh."
Flesh will have you looking for a "Thank-You or an word of appreciation. Flesh will have you expecting a promotion. Flesh will have you thinking what you did would matter or that someone really cared.
Spirit will give you satisfaction, knowing you were obedient to the word of GOD.
Spirit will give you completion planting the seeds that will reap a harvest for GOD.
Spirit will let you know that you will be found pleasing in the sight of GOD.
Spirit will give you to a peace that surpasses mans ways and give you the peace of GOD.
The next time someone looks like they need my help or two cents, I'm going to make sure that I am lead by the Spirit and not MY FLESH ! 
"Only what you do for CHRIST will last"