Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Lord where are you taking me ?, was the question I had the nerve to ask GOD.
Like he didn't already know. He knew , the angels knew, Jesus knew, even satan knew, I was the only one who didn't know......too busy, busy about everything that came my way, salon, foundation , children issues, finances, church problems, relocation all these things that GOD has already spoken over, promised that would be Blessed if I stayed in His presence, keep tithing, stood on his word, just trusted him and most of all prayed in all circumstances.
But of course I just couldn't leave well enough alone, you know how we do, Lord I'mma just help you a little, Ha is what God said, girl if you don't sit down and let me be GOD. 
This season I learned all over again what he had already reprimand  me about years ago.  
"Be steal and know that I am God" 
So I did, and now I'm doing just that being still and asking God to strengthen me in this second season of life, Lord I will listen, I will obey, I will stay out of your way and let you work that good and perfect plan that you spoke spoke of in Jeremiah 29:10-11. 
Sisters we have got to let go and let God, "do that thang", in our lives, he can and will do all things for us, HIS daughters. He is our Heavenly Father, Source, Provider, Redeemer, Restorer of Brokenness, Lover, Companion, and "all that".
God of more than enough, so we don't have to fret or worry, we don't have to put our hand to the plow, the battle is not ours it's out Fathers and He  handles it well.
In this season I am going to "Bloom where he has me planted, suck up His "Sonshine ",
Drink the water that will nourish my roots, that I'll let run deep in Him, Eat the meat of His word, get pruned when I need to, and Bloom some more.
"I Will Be Content"
Blessing ~ LaDonna J.