Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have been tested, stretched, persecuted, lied on, my faith has been put to the limit today, but I am standing on the promises of God, that I shall have the victory and that his joy is my strenght.
Hallelujah ! My God is awesome and there is none like him !
I will and I repeat, I will not have any other God before him. 
Sisters, he promised that he would not leave or forsake us in our time of trouble, and if we call on his name our enemy had to scatter.
Lord, Lord, Lord I'm calling and my back is against the wall, I have on the full armour, but you said that this battle was not mine it belonged to you.
There is hope and a future for us my sisters when we serve the Lord.
He said that in Jeremiah 29:10-11 did he not ?
We have to be still and know that he is God.
The enemy tricks us, because he is always moving and doing something, he comes to trouble us at every angle, it always seems likes he's winning be cause he never stops.
How does GODS' people win?, by being still, when we are weak he is made strong, when we are still he is working it out. We have to trust that God is in control and has the final report.
If we fight with any weapon other than praise or God's word, we will be defeated. Let's move self out of the way and let the Father have his way.


Minister LaDonna J.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Sisters Retreat"

"Declaring Your Independence"

Friday July 8 - 9, 2011
Holiday Inn Express 8551 Blue Parkway
Kansas City , Mo.

Come fellowship, receive the word of GOD and get pampered in the process.
Cost is 125.00 which includes room, meals, two spa services, gifts, games, awesome worship, pillow talk,cool swimming pool, therauputic hot tub and more. Special this month is register one and bring a friend for 1/2  off.

You also have an opportunity from now until Midnite Wed. July 6th to go online and enter for a FREE stay at the retreat, send us all your info, don't forget what services you'd like and your B-Day info.

Services offered are :
Relaxing Foot Soaks
Awesome Facials
Best ever Back Messages
Healing Hand Messages
Private Christian Counseling

Don't get Left Behind, See You There .................

P.S. Don't forget your swimsuit.

Love Ya To Life, Min. LADonna J.