Monday, May 9, 2011


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When at first we practice to deceive."

When I was appointed my first task at leading a group I did it, boy did I do it. I was not prepared, equipped or well versed. It was my was my familiarity that got me the position in the first place. It was not my knowledge, it was not even my experience, but that wicked thing called "familiarity."
Familiarity breed contempt and deception.
The word tells us to, Do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2Tim. 2:15
I had not done that and God openly exposed me for my deception.
My sisters we need to be prepared in season as well as out of season, for we never know when w shall be called upon to be a representative for the Lord, even if it 's operating in the secular, for God created that entity also.
When we stand before one another let us do so with pure hearts and clean minds so as not to cause each other to stumble.
Let us search ourselves and be found worthy of the task.
Above all let us operate in humility and love, thereby gaining wisdom and winning souls.
Giving all glory to the Father who has equipped you.

Love Ya To Life, Min. Ladonna J.