Thursday, September 9, 2010

In His Presence

  Oh, to be in the presence of the" Lord GOD All Mighty."
  Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'
  Last night on the prayer conference that God has ordained for the women of God, the enemy tried to intervene and had no victory.
  The women of God stood, kneeled, laid prostate, or put their face against the wall and pressed their way to the call of prayer without fail or ceasing. Uplifting women all over the world. As usual God showed up and had his way, and manifested his glory in it all.
  My sisters I thank God for all of you who have come to touch and agree with God and me for the birthing of these prayer ministry/meetings.
  If you have been on these calls, then you have been in his presence and have experienced the fullness.
  Have you not felt the change ? Has he not answered your prayers ? Is he not the difference that you need ?
  Oh to be in the presence of the LORD, I challenge you to take some time and do this on daily basis, I challenge you to seek him with your whole heart, I dare you to make him first in your life, I dare you to touch the hem of his garment, so wantonly that the virtue will leave his body and he'll recognize that it;s you.
  He gives to those who seek him diligently, the desire of their heart.
  Want you desire him on today ? I Dare You !

Love Ya To Life, Min. LaDonna